4 Surprising Signs of Stress

I have had bad neck and shoulder pain since my early 20’s. It wasn’t until a year or two ago that I put the pieces together; whenever my neck and shoulder pain got worse, it was because my stress levels were off the charts. When I started doing yoga, practicing mindfulness, and generally taking better careContinue reading “4 Surprising Signs of Stress”

4 Ways to Practice Gratitude

“When the eye wakes up to see again, it suddenly stops taking anything for granted.” – Frederick Franck Practicing gratitude has been identified as one way to decrease depression and sadness while increasing quality of life. But how do you do it? Here are 4 easy ways. Thank someone. Thanking someone is completely FREE andContinue reading “4 Ways to Practice Gratitude”

How to Stop Stressing Out

Mindful Monday – April 2, 2018 Stress: We all do it. We all have it. What are you stressed about right now? Here are some guesses: Student loans, school shootings, bills, family problems, grades, traffic, the weather… Stress always finds a good reason for existing. Here’s my foolproof, four-part system that will help you stopContinue reading “How to Stop Stressing Out”

Mindful Monday – September 25, 2017

“There are two kinds of suffering. There is the suffering you run away from, which follows you everywhere. And there is the suffering you face directly, and in doing so become free.” – Ajan Chah Much of our lives are spent escaping through alcohol, drugs, T.V., phones… anything to take us away from suffering inContinue reading “Mindful Monday – September 25, 2017”